Visualization and Affirmations for Loving Relationships

Are you wondering if positive affirmations and visualization can actually work for falling in love? The short answer, yes! In fact, affirmations and visualization are two powerful mindset tools that can help you accomplish nearly anything you desire. While the visualization I’ll lead you through today is focusing on romantic love, you can use the concept of positive affirmations and visualization as a part of your daily routine for attracting anything from friendships to financial abundance

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are simply positive, declarative statements designed to reshape your thought patterns and beliefs on a subconscious level. They serve as a tool to replace negative thoughts with constructive and empowering ones. These statements are written and recited in present tense, as if the desired outcome is already happening. Through daily repetition they help us reframe deep-seated beliefs about our self worth and open us up to the opportunity of being loved and cherished by somebody else.

What is Visualization?

Visualization is a practice of imagining vivid mental scenarios that you want to happen in the future. By picturing your life as you wish for it to be, you engage your senses, emotions, and thoughts to create a comprehensive mental experience. You’ve likely done this hundreds of times through your life without knowing it. Anytime you picture something in your mind, like how a scenario will play out, you are visualizing. By consciously and consistently envisioning yourself falling in love and being in a loving relationship, your brain starts to interpret this imagery as an achievable reality, which enhances motivation and inspires action.

Why does mindset matter for falling in love?

Your brain believes everything you tell it – in fact, it has a very difficult time determining between reality and imagination. And when it comes to positive affirmations and visualization that is extremely beneficial. God created you with a very powerful subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind determines how we think and feel about ourselves and others. So, if you’re experiencing a lot of negative thoughts and defeating self talk – that’s a sign that your subconscious mind needs some coaching. Positive affirmations and visualizations and two of the best tools you can use to rewire your subconscious and elevate your self worth. 

And if you’re thinking “that’s all great Jill, but I’m here to learn how to attract a loving relationship,” don’t worry, I’m getting to that. See, in order to recognize and receive that fairytale, forever love with a partner, we first need to deeply love ourselves. Repeating these affirmations daily will help you do that, and the visualization will reveal to your subconscious mind what your ideal relationship looks and feels like.

10 Affirmations for Love and Relationships

My heart is open to give and receive love.

I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

I am complete and whole on my own, and I am excited to experience true love.

I am a magnet for love, and my irresistible energy attracts my perfect match.

I love the feeling of being someone who is respected and cherished.

I am beautiful inside and out.

I love who I am and so does my partner.

I believe in forever love.

I am on the right path for meeting the right person for me.

I am loved unconditionally.

A Visualization Practice for Love and Relationships

Follow along for your guided visualization on health, visualizing is extra powerful when you are able to close your eyes and truly see it in your mind. For that reason, you may wish to pull out your phone and record yourself reading the visualization below aloud, then play the recording and close your eyes. 

Before you begin, take a moment to ground yourself, inhale…exhale…and imagine this. 

You're walking along a deserted beach at sunrise and beside you holding your hand, is the romantic partner of your wildest dreams. 

It’s just the two of you, plus the morning flock of seagulls calling out to one another. You can smell the salt from the ocean. Hear the waves gently rolling in and you feel the warmth of your partner’s hand in yours and through it, you feel their love. 

As you walk in silence it dawns on you how fantastic it is to be with a person for whom words are simply not needed. Your connection is so strong, the feelings are so mutual, and the adoration is so profound. 

Nothing could be said to add to the moment. It’s a connection you’ve dreamed of your entire life, and for so long, wondered if it could really exist and yes, now you know it can. 

Other memories from your life flashed before your mind as the two of you walk, like of all those times when you were alone without a partner, and to all those times when you felt alone even when you had a partner. You remember your challenges, your heartbreaks, your frustrations and self-doubts. And yet this here and now, it’s fantastic, unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. 

You wonder what you ever did to deserve so much, and yet as you ask that question, the answer wells up inside of you. You’ve paid your dues, it was all that you endured while remaining optimistic, hopeful, and kind, despite the loneliness. 

You laugh because while the price seemed high at the time, it was a pittance to pay for all you now have and feel. In fact, the scariest thought of all is wondering what may have happened in your life without everything in your past happening as it did, which has prepared you to be the amazing and appreciated person you now are. And thinking this, you feel grateful for absolutely everything that has ever happened in your life because it all made this love and this connection possible. 

You feel tears beginning to form because you are so moved by the moment. When instinctively you turn your head to your beloved as if something had just been said and you see a tear roll down their cheek as well. They turn to you and you share the warmest most loving hug of your life in which the two of you are actually one. 

Together you sit down in the sand side-by-side facing the ocean leaning into each other as the ocean laps at your feet. You feel so alive, so clear, so happy, just staring out into the beauty of the ocean. Suddenly you sense that this moment in time and this love in your life was destined that your being here and now with someone who has shown you how loveable you are, was always inevitable. 

You lean in for a soft kiss and it is so powerful, you feel the softness of their lips on yours and it’s like magic. As you each slowly pull away you’re not sure if seconds or minutes have just passed, but you’re flooded with the happiest realization of an entire morning bursting with insights. 

This. Is. Just. The beginning. Thank you, God. Thank you, Self! You think to yourself, so happy to be exactly who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re headed. Thank you, You, for keeping hope alive, the affirmations, the baby steps, and for being your best even when you were alone and even when you were sad. 

Thank you, God for my amazing life and the boundless love that’s in it including that which I feel for myself. 

Welcome back. You can open your eyes. Isn’t life grand? Now please continue to think good thoughts. Fall in love with yourself here and now as it is as you are and in the days ahead wherever you can. Remember we receive love from others when we first re-learn to love ourselves.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

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