Do Vision Boards Work For Weight Loss?

Have you ever wondered if vision boards can actually help with physical goals like weight loss? The short answer is yes, vision boards can be extremely helpful for weight loss. Vision boards help you identify and voice your dreams and goals, and keep you motivated. Below I’ll share why vision boards work, how to create and use a vision board of your own, and even some examples of powerful vision boards for you to use as inspiration.

Why Vision Boards Work for Weight Loss

Vision boards work for weight loss by tapping into the power of visualization and goal-setting, influencing both the conscious and subconscious mind. There's something so powerful about making your goals and dreams visible, not only to show God what your prayers are, but also to have a specific image in your mind of what you’re trying to achieve. Because our mind, which drives our motivation, works best in pictures.

Not only that, but vision boards can also help create clarity on your goals. If your goal is simply “lose weight,” it’s not specific enough. By selecting and arranging images that represent specific goals, you’re able to gain a clear focus on what you want to achieve, specifically, whether it’s number of pounds to lose, a number of miles to run, or otherwise. 

How to Use Your Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a creative and personalized process. You can create a vision board out of a poster board, a white board, a plain old piece of cardboard, dedicate an entire wall to it, or create it digitally. My vision board is actually a magnet board, so when I accomplish something on my vision board, I take it off and put it in a gratitude book, which is like a scrapbook of all my wins/accomplished dreams. 

To create your own vision board, start by writing down all of your health goals. Setting a goal is perhaps the most important part, because those goals will guide the entire creation process. Then, find images, words, and quotes that represent them by searching in magazines and newspapers, or Pinterest. Cut them out (or download them and print them if you got them from the internet)  and glue them onto your board. Keep in mind that the more specific and detailed you can make your visions, the better the board will work for you! 

You can even incorporate your plan of action on your vision board. When I was on my journey to lose 131 pounds, I put on my vision board to run a certain 5k and I printed off a schedule called "couch potato to 5k" to have an action step to help me achieve this goal. 

So, hang your vision board where it will be the last thing you see before you go to bed at night and the first thing you see when you wake up in the morning. You can even take a picture of your physical board or create a digital copy and save it as the background of your phone, so that it’s available whenever you need a boost of motivation or a reminder of your why. 

At the beginning of each day and before you go to sleep, spend five minutes going over the details of the board in your mind, because that’s when your subconscious mind is most readily available to visualize your dreams and goals. 

Use all of your five senses to visualize living the life you have placed on your vision board, the one where you’ve lost the weight you’re longing to lose and you feel healthy and strong. Envision specific experiences you want to have. How does it look, feel, smell, sound, and taste to you? 

Do not reason away your vision. Although your conscious mind will try to kick ideas out if they seem irrational, your subconscious brain will get excited about the possibilities of living a full, rich life where you are in optimal health. You’ll be amazed by the visions you can create for a better life—and at how your dreams will start coming true in unexpected ways! Be specific and dream big!

What to include on your weight loss vision board

When you’re considering what to include on your vision board that is specific to weight loss, think briefly about the things you want to do, but the weight is stopping you. Things like "I can't play with the kids on the playground... I can't climb a mountain... I can't run... I can't wear the clothes I want to..." etc, reverse them into positive language and make those your milestones. 

Find images/symbols that represent those milestones, like a picture of a mountain trail, a picture of a playground, a picture of some running shoes. 

Other things you could include on your vision board are:

Quotes that inspire you. Maybe print the most inspiring posts from r/loseit that you can go read when you need encouragement. Copy them into Word and change the font to something beautiful, make the most important words BIGGER, be artistic about it.

Pictures of yourself at your happiest. Representations of how you will feel when you achieve your goals.

Clothes you want to wear. Like a little black dress, a pair of shorts that show off your legs, or even a new bikini.

Healthy Foods. Include pictures of delicious healthy foods that you want to eat, or that you have made.

Examples of Weight Loss Vision Boards

2024 weight loss vision board
vision board for weight loss

Need some more inspiration to create your weight loss vision board, browse my Vision Board Inspiration Pinterest Board.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

Improve your health and lose weight with Zallevo products,  the purely sourced supplements that helped me finally experience my own health transformation.

Pursue a work from home income opportunity surrounded by other servant leaders. I’ll coach you on how to grow a wildly successful 1099 business sharing health & wellness products that actually work.

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