3 Gratitude Practices to Add to Your Morning Routine

It’s easy to think about being grateful as something we do after our problems are solved, when we have everything we want and are living our dream life. But, how much of your life do you miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain? Today, I’m going to share three practices that I implemented into my morning routine in order to create an attitude of gratitude, regardless of my circumstances.

“What if I don’t have anything to be grateful for?”

The truth is, you can't be given more unless you’re grateful for what you already have. In my early 20’s, I lived in a tiny, dated house and I thought, "I wish that I could move into a house that has more than three bedrooms," because my family was growing. The Spirit hit me and said, "Jill, you're not going to have a bigger house if you're not grateful for what you already have." 

As soon as I started being grateful for all the things that I already owned, I started being able to receive more, have more, and to do more. It was a powerful lesson to be grateful for my circumstances - no matter what they happen to be.

If you’ve ever thought, "I'm going to be happy when I get this 30 pounds off, I just can’t be grateful for this extra weight” or you’re having trouble finding the things in your life that you can be grateful for then you need to have practices you can rely on to help create the spirit of gratitude. Sometimes you need to act grateful, before you can feel grateful. Having specific practices for gratitude, and doing them consistently in your morning routine can gradually train your mind to focus on the positive aspects of life and make feel grateful a more natural response.

Three Ways to Have More Gratitude 

When I've been at my lowest, these exact practices have been the things that turned my entire attitude around and helped me to feel more grateful. The key with all of these practices is to do them even when you don’t feel like it, even when you’re not feeling very grateful. To cultivate an attitude of gratitude, try these 3 techniques in our morning routine:

Keep a gratitude journal

Write in your gratitude journal every day. When you feel like you’re in a funk is the most important time to stop and smell the roses. If there’s a day you feel like you don’t want to get out of bed, be grateful for your bed.

Keep empty space at the top of your to do list

I am a list maker. If I don't have action items written on a list, I don't get anything done that day. It’s best for me to put the list together the night before, because if I wake up in the morning and I think, "I don't even know what I need to do today,” then I'll just dink around, keeping myself busy with tasks that aren’t real priorities. 

But the lesson here isn’t to make a list, it’s what you put at the the top of the list. At the top of my to-do list each morning, I leave an empty space, because every morning when I'm on my knees in prayer, I’ll say, "Heavenly Father, who are the five people that I can reach out to today? Who needs me to bless them today?"

And boy, does He tell me. 

Those names go at the very top of the list. 

Sometimes the Lord might fill your mind with an annoying neighbor, or somebody at work that is driving you crazy, and you think, "No, I don't want to bless their life today. They drive me crazy." But guess what? That's exactly who God wants you to serve that day. 

I am going to challenge you to do this each day this week. Each morning, make your to-do list, either on paper or in a note on your phone, and leave a space at the top. In your morning prayers, ask Heavenly Father which five people you need to reach out to that day. Write their names in the blank space. Make them the top of your to-do list! 

Send a Grati-text

The next time you’re waiting in the drive through line of your favorite coffee shop or you’re just sitting there mindlessly scrolling on your phone, go to your contacts list. Scroll through and stop at a random location. Whatever name your finger lands on, send them a “grati-text” telling them how grateful you are that they are a part of your life. 

Not sure what to say? Try something like, "Hey. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for being my friend" or, "I just wanted to say have a great day!” Even if it's a person that you haven't talked to for a while, you can always be grateful for them. You can always say, "Hey, I was just thinking about you. Have a great day." People love to be thought of. When you’re in service to other people, then your vibration is going to rise. 

Gratitude and intentionally trying to make other people's day has created some of the best and most fulfilling moments of my life. 

Gratitude Affirmation

Add this affirmation to your affirmation journal or your vision board if you want to create more gratefulness in your life.

“My gratitude is a catalyst for miracles.”

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

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15 Bible Verses About Gratitude


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