Self Care Practices to Begin in 2024

In 2024, taking time for self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Self-care is more than just lounging on the couch, taking bubble baths, and eating treats although self care suggestions like that have become popular; it's a holistic approach to nurturing your body, mind, and spirit. Today I’ll share the deep benefits of self care and give you some practical examples for physical self care, spiritual self care, and social self care.

What is self care?

Self-care is often misinterpreted as being synonymous with indulgence – things like taking hot bubble baths, getting a massage, or calling off work for a mental health day. And while all of those things could be considered self care, true self care goes much deeper. Self care is intentional actions and practices that you do to promote their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It’s taking deliberate steps to care for oneself and prioritize your physical, mental, spiritual, and social health and happiness. 

Physical Self Care

1. Hydration

Making sure you are properly hydrated is one of the simplest forms of physical self care, yet often one of the easiest to skip over. If you know that better hydration is something you should commit to in 2024, consider carrying a reusable water bottle and set specific daily hydration goals to keep your body functioning at its best.

2. Prioritize Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for physical well-being.Good sleep, in other words 7-9 hours, has been proven to improve your brain performance, mood, and overall health.  Establish a consistent sleep routine, create a calming bedtime ritual, and invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows for a restful night's sleep. If you want to go the extra mile, consider investing in a health device that tracks your sleep, like Oura.

3. Nourish with Whole Foods

Food is our fuel, so I couldn’t possibly talk about physical self care without mentioning the importance of incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains into your diet for sustained energy and optimal health. Make a goal to be consistent with nourishing your body, instead of using food as a reward or seeing healthy food as a punishment.

4. Move Your Body

Exercise is one of my favorite forms of self care, it doesn't have to be a huge daunting task. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's going on a hike, attending a dance class, or booking a yoga session. As a bonus, moving your body contributes not only to physical health but also to mental and emotional well-being.

Use these questions to help gauge if you need more physical self-care in 2024:

Are you feeling constantly fatigued?

Do you experience muscle tension or stiffness?

Do you wish your body looked or felt different or better?

Spiritual Self Care

1. Meditation/Prayer

Dedicate time to quiet reflection through meditation or prayer. Find a comfortable space, focus on your breathing, and allow your mind to find peace and clarity.

2. Embrace Silence

In the midst of a really noisy world, finding silence is one of the best forms of self care. Whether it's a few minutes of mindfulness or a walk by yourself, give your mind space to settle.

3. Nature Connection

Spend time in nature to nurture your spiritual well-being. Whether it's sitting on the porch to drink your morning coffee,  going for a hike in the mountains, or simply stepping out into your backyard for a break from work,  making time for being outside is a great way to practice self care.

4. Journal Your Thoughts

Journaling is one of my favorite tools for spiritual self care and self-reflection. I use my journal during my prayer time as well as a place to write down my thoughts, feelings, and dreams and it’s such a fulfilling practice to carry with you this year.

Use these questions to help gauge if you need more spiritual self-care in 2024:

Do you regularly feel a lack of purpose or connection?

Is your mind constantly racing with thoughts to where it’s difficult to relax?

Are you seeking more clarity in your life?

When was the last time you were bored? (boredom is a good thing by the way)

Social Self Care

1. Quality Time with Friends

We are social beings who need and long for connection. So, book a coffee date with a girlfriend,  invite a group of friends over for dinner, or if you’re feeling adventurous, book a vacation with another couple to practice some social self care.

2. Set Boundaries

Yes, setting boundaries is an act of self care. Whether it’s with friends, coworkers, or family. Learning to say no when needed and prioritizing your own needs without guilt is something we can probably all practice a little more of in 2024.

3. No Meeting Day

Designate a day solely for yourself - mark your calendar as OOO or put in for a personal day and take time to pursue hobbies or activities that bring you happiness, without any work-related commitments.

4. Hug Someone You Love

Physical touch releases oxytocin, the "love hormone." Something as simple as a hug from a friend, family member, or pet can work wonders to boost your mood and be a tiny dose of self care.

5. Digital Detox

Social media can be a blessing, but it also has the potential to be a huge energy drain. Try taking time to unplug from social media entirely and unfollow accounts that don’t encourage or inspire you.

Use these questions to help gauge if you need more social self-care in 2024:

Do you feel lonely more often than not?

Are work-related commitments taking a toll on your personal life?

Is your social media usage affecting your mental well-being (ie. pushing you into comparison or resentment?) 

Other Helpful Resources

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In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

Improve your health and lose weight with Zallevo products,  the purely sourced supplements that helped me finally experience my own health transformation.

Pursue a work from home income opportunity surrounded by other servant leaders. I’ll coach you on how to grow a wildly successful 1099 business sharing health & wellness products that actually work.

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