How to Write Your Own Affirmations

Affirmations are powerful tools for shaping your mindset and creating positive change in your life. While you can find a lot of amazing affirmations online,  I even have a few for developing a healthy body, coping with anxiety, and building financial abundance. Tailored affirmations based on your unique experiences are even more impactful. The best affirmations come from you, your own experience, but if you’ve never done it before you might be wondering where to even begin with writing your own affirmations. So, in this blog, I'll walk you through the process of creating your own affirmations to creative positive change in specific areas of your own life.

Determine what the negative voice in your head is telling you

This may seem backwards, but the best way to begin writing your own affirmations is actually by acknowledging the negative thoughts that may be holding you back. Those negative thoughts  are often deep-seated beliefs that undermine your confidence and hinder your progress. 

What is the critical voice in your head saying? Once you identify what that negative voice in your head is saying you have the perfect ammunition to create a powerful and specific-to-you affirmation  by flipping it to the positive.

Here’s an example:

Negative thought: "I'm always overwhelmed with stress."

Affirmation: "I am capable of being calm and managing my stress effectively."

Start with “I am”

Begin your affirmations with the phrase “I am.” The phrase "I am" is a declaration of existence and personal power. Starting your affirmations with these words reinforces a positive self-identity and empowers you to embody the qualities you desire. By saying "I am" at the beginning of your affirmations, you create a direct connection between your present self and the positive qualities or outcomes you want to embody. This simple yet profound verbiage sets the stage for transformative change on a subconscious level.

Here are a few examples of how you can rewrite common affirmations to include “I am:”

Instead of: "My abilities exude confidence."

Try: "I am confident in my abilities."

Instead of: "Success and abundance belong to me."

Try: "I am deserving of success and abundance."

Do you see how that subtle change to the verbiage establishes a direct connection to your worthiness and declares your confidence. That’s the power of beginning your affirmations with “I am.”

Use present tense

Express your affirmations in the present tense, as if they are already true. By doing this, you send a powerful message to your subconscious mind that these positive statements are not distant aspirations but integral aspects of your current reality.

Take this for example:

Instead of: "I will be successful” 

Try: “I am deserving of success”

Make them concise

Keep your affirmations concise and to the point. Your subconscious responds best to clear, direct, and easily digestible messages. The shorter your affirmations are, the easier they are to memorize. The easier they are to memorize, the more likely they are to be integrated into your daily routine. And when your affirmations are a natural part of your daily routine, you experience the impact of them much quicker.

Instead of writing affirmations like this: "I am consistently in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing for me"

Try this: “I am always in the right place at the right time.”

Use feeling words

Feeling words are simply adjectives or adverbs that express emotions, sensations, or states of being. These words add a layer of emotional depth to your affirmations, taking them from hypothetical to tangible. The more emotionally attached you are to your affirmations the better. 

If you’re having a hard time deciding what feeling words to use in your affirmations, picture how you will feel once this affirmation is true and include those emotion words in your affirmations.

Examples of some feeling words to include in your affirmations are:  grateful, motivated, excited, relaxed, joyous, confident, strong.

What if you don’t believe your affirmations?

I’ve experienced this too. When I first started using affirmations as a part of my health journey, I was 100+ pounds overweight and looking in the mirror to say affirmations like “I am healthy and strong” felt like a lie. So what do you do when your current reality doesn’t match up with the reality your affirmations are creating. My advice, start with just one word. 

If your affirmation is "I am capable of being calm and managing my stress effectively"  begin by just saying the word “calm.” By starting with a single word and repeating it consistently you create a bridge between the doubt you’re feeling and your ideal reality.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

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