Visualization and Affirmations for Physical Health

Your physical health is not just a matter of what you do with your body; it's also about what you do with your mind. I learned that first hand during my weight loss journey.  Numerous studies have highlighted the profound connection between our mental state and our physical well-being. So today I’m diving into the impact that visualization and affirmations can have on transforming your physical health with ten of my favorite health affirmations and a guided health visualization.

Why mindset matters for your physical health?

It’s been proven over and over through research that what the mind believes, the body will as well. In essence, the purpose of visualization is to train your brain for actual performance. 

Psychologists have shown that regular mindset practices, like visualization, can help relieve stress, reduce chronic pain, diminish depression and anxiety, even lose weight or quitting smoking. The more you can engage all of your senses: sound, smell, sight, touch, and taste the more impactful the visualization will be. The more vivid your mental images, the more profound the impact on your well-being.

10 Health Affirmations

My body is getting stronger and healthier every day.

My body is here to help me, not hurt me.

I am enough no matter what size I am.

I accept and respect my body just the way it is.

My body is where I live, not who I am.

I listen and respect my body’s needs.

When I wake up in the morning, I am full of energy and anticipation for the day.

My energy draws people towards me.

My body is a temple and it brings me joy to care for it.

My skin is clear, flawless, and glowing, I get complimented on it all the time.

A Health Visualization

Follow along for your guided visualization on health, visualizing is extra powerful when you are able to close your eyes and truly see it in your mind. For that reason, you may wish to pull out your phone and record yourself reading the visualization below aloud, then play the recording and close your eyes. 

Before you begin, take a moment to ground yourself, inhale…exhale…and imagine this. 

I can’t believe I just did that. They say Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest summit in all of Africa. I'll never forget the view from that peak. The second I arrived, every step up the mountain was worth it. I can still feel my body tingling with pride and excitement. The cool air in my lungs, the wind on my face, and the strength in my muscles are a feeling I will never forget.

My life is amazing. I feel so much lighter, like I’m walking on air, filled with buoyant joy and light as a feather! 

Even my doctor is amazed with the progress I’ve made. A smile spread across my face when she said she’s never seen me so strong before, that all of my vitals are like those of a 20 year old. I’m actually aging in reverse! In fact, my joints, skin, and figure look even better than they did when I was 20. 

No doubt the regular walks, the healthy food, and the yoga have made a huge difference. I’m sleeping like a baby. Deeper sleeps, over fewer hours with a little nap here and there. I have so much energy and my days are full of laughter. When I look in the mirror, I feel fabulous, vibrant and radiant. At this rate, I’m on track to live a long, healthy, happy life. I am so grateful. ​​Thank you. Thank you, Universe. Thank you, God. Thank you, body.

You can open your eyes. Now, keep thinking the good thoughts. Love your life and yourself as it already is and as you already are when you do, you’re just another step closer to a vibrant healthy, long life. It’s the least you deserve.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

Improve your health and lose weight with Zallevo products,  the purely sourced supplements that helped me finally experience my own health transformation.

Pursue a work from home income opportunity surrounded by other servant leaders. I’ll coach you on how to grow a wildly successful 1099 business sharing health & wellness products that actually work.

Learn how to overcome food addiction, improve your health, energy, and confidence, and master your mindset through one of my self paced courses.


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