What is EFT Tapping & How to Use it?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and it is a self-help technique that involves tapping near the end points of “energy meridians” located around the body in order to reduce tension and promote a deeper mind-body connection, and manage symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress. 

One of the best things about EFT is that it can be done anywhere, at any time, quickly and effectively. 

People use EFT tapping techniques for:

  • Relieving physical pain

  • Releasing limiting beliefs

  • Healing from past trauma

  • Decreasing tension headaches

  • Increasing self-esteem

  • Coping with depression and anxiety

  • Improving athletic performance, focus and coordination

  • Helping to improve sleep quality

  • Process grief

How does EFT work?

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is somewhat similar to practices like acupressure or acupuncture in the fact that it focuses on energy circuits running throughout the body. These energy circuits are referred to as meridians.

Mind-body healing techniques are believed to help direct the flow of energy in the body in a way that promotes well-being. With EFT, you tap near the endpoints of a specific energy meridian in your body to promote physical and emotional healing. Something that makes EFT different from acupressure or other Eastern approaches is that it focuses on more than physical ailments and energy systems; it also brings attention to thought processes that contribute to stress and emotional problems. The EFT process combines tapping of the energy meridians with voicing of positive affirmations (which is something you know I already recommend).

How to do EFT Tapping

Anytime you feel a negative emotion beginning to rise, you can use EFT to work through it. You can also incorporate it as a part of your daily routine to promote balance and better well-being. To use EFT properly, follow these steps: 

Identify the Issue 

Naming the specific problem or emotion you want to target with EFT. The goal is to focus on only one issue at a time for the most effects. ie: anxiety, depression, a physical ailment, scarcity mindset, etc…

(If you don’t know the issue, just say “Even though I don’t know what my issue or emotion is… I deeply and completely love and accept myself”) - it might seem crazy, but even this general of an affirmation can make a huge impact.

Create a Reminder Phrase 

You create a short phrase which helps you to refer to the problem or memory in a specific way by giving it a title.  This helps you to stay focused on the memory or current problem during the rest of the process.

Rate the Issue 

Determine on an “intensity scale” ranging from 1–10 how significant the problem is to you (1 being the least significant and 10 being all consuming, extremely intense).

Setting Up Your Affirmation 

Come up with a self-affirming phrase that helps you feel powerful against the issue. A basic affirmation structure that is a great default for EFT is “Even though I feel ____ (fill in the problem or emotion you’re dealing with), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” While you repeat your affirmation you start by tapping on your hand, specifically on the fleshy part on the outer side of your palm under your pinky finger.

If you’re experiencing anxiety – check out this blog post for 13 of my favorite affirmations to reduce anxiety.

If you’re experiencing fear or scarcity due to financial issues – head to this blog post.

Performing the Tapping Sequence

During a tapping sequence you will tap your finger over eight key meridian points. Use two fingers, usually the middle and index finger, and apply constant gentle yet firm taps. Keep speaking out loud while you’re tapping, repeating positive phrases to keep your attention focused. The meridian points to tap include (in this order): 

-top of your eyebrows 

-side of your eyes

-under your eyes

-under your nose

-under your chin

-under your collarbone

-under your arm 

-top of your head

Tune In for Re-Rating  

Tune in to how you are feeling, has the feeling gone down in intensity? Where are you feeling it in your body? Rate the problem once again on a scale from 0–10.

Repeat the Process

If you still feel stuck or if your number on the scale hasn’t come down to a 1 or 2, find a new way of saying it and repeat the process until you feel the energy start to shift.

Like all techniques involving mindset, this isn’t a magical one time fix. However, it is a really helpful tool to have under your belt for processing heavy emotions. The more often you can make EFT Tapping a part of your lifestyle, the more benefits you’ll experience from it.

In case this is the first time we’re connecting, I’m Jill, an entrepreneur, speaker, author, and leader inspiring other women to live out their God given purpose by helping them overcome physical, mental, and financial hardships.  If you liked this blog post and want more where that came from, here are a few ways we can work together:

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Pursue a work from home income opportunity surrounded by other servant leaders. I’ll coach you on how to grow a wildly successful 1099 business sharing health & wellness products that actually work.

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